Symptoms and Management of Okra Yellow mosaic virus
Causal organism: Yellow mosaic virus.
Vector: White fly (Bemisia tebaci), Persistent virus.
Symptoms of Okra Yellow mosaic virus
1. The vein is clearing and veinal chlorosis occurs.
2. The leaves, vein, and veinlets are conspicuous yellowing and they become thick.
3. In severe cases, the leaves become completely yellow.
4. Distortion of leaf stalks and stems occurs at the advanced stage of infection.
5. Fruits become dwarfed, malformed and are yellowing green.

Alternate host: Cotton.
The virus is not sap transmissible. It is graft transmissible.
Control Measures/Management of Okra Yellow Mosaic Virus
1. Cultivate resistant varieties.
2. Use seeds collected from diseasefree plants.
3. Remove and destroy diseaseaffected plants from crop fields to avoid secondary spread.
4. Destroy host weeds, such as Croton sparsiflora and Ageralium spp.
5. Follow crop rotation.
6. Control the insect vector by spraying dimethoate 0.03 % or monocrotophos 0.05 %.
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