Causal Organism: Alternaria brassicae or Alternaria brassicicola
Symptoms of Alternaria Blight of Cabbage/Cauliflower
1. Yellowing of leaves and dwarf plants.
2. Dropping lower leaves one by one.
3. Root infection, Collar region rotten.
4. The edges of affected leaves become purplish and the base becomes brownish.

Disease Cycle of Alternaria Blight of Cabbage/Cauliflower

Control Measure/management of Alternaria Blight of Cabbage/Cauliflower
♦ Seed treatment with Provax 200 @ 3g/kg of seed.
♦ Foliar spraying with Rubral (2 ml/1 litre of water).
♦ Crop rotation should be followed.
♦ Spraying with Redomil (0.2%) or Dithane M45 or Cupper oxychloride @ 34 g/L of water for 23 times at 1015 days interval.
♦ Using disease-resistant varieties.
♦ Crop residues and the alternate hosts should be destroyed.
♦ Avoid overhead irrigation during head development.
♦ Control cruciferous weeds.
♦ Treat seed with hot water.
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